
How to Prepare for Your Rhinoplasty

If you’re unhappy with the size or shape of your nose or have difficulty breathing because of a structural problem, a rhinoplasty can address these issues. Learn all about how to prepare for one here.

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that addresses the shape or structure of your nose. It also repairs damaged tissues, corrects structures that impair breathing, and/or improves facial symmetry.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, rhinoplasty is the most common facial surgery in the United States, with over 220,000 procedures each year.

At 817 Surgical Arts, triple-board-certified facial and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Emily Johnson and her team routinely perform rhinoplasty procedures for their patients in Fort Worth, Texas, either because they aren’t satisfied with the size and/or shape of their noses or because they have structural problems that lead to breathing issues.

If you want to change your nose, here’s what you need to know about rhinoplasty.

Reasons to consider rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty can be performed for cosmetic or medical reasons.

Cosmetic reasons

The most common cosmetic reasons people report for getting a rhinoplasty include:

  • Nose is asymmetrical
  • Nose is too narrow or too wide
  • Nose size disproportionate to facial balance
  • Nostrils with displeasing size or position, such as flares
  • Visible humps on the bridge
  • Bulbous, drooping, upturned, or hooked tip

Though the problem may appear massive to you, Dr. Johnson makes minuscule changes measured in millimeters — even a tiny change can make a huge difference in how your nose appears. Keep in mind that all faces are naturally asymmetrical to some extent; it’s unreasonable to expect a “perfect” balance.

Breathing issues

A nasal obstruction can prevent you from breathing well — or at all — through your nose, and complications can range from difficulty exercising to obstructive sleep apnea. A common obstruction is nasal polyps, benign, fleshy growths that develop in the nasal passage. Another is an enlargement of the nasal turbinates, which help with airflow but can obstruct breathing if enlarged. A rhinoplasty removes these obstructions so you can breathe freely.

Deviated septum

Your septum is the strand of cartilage that splits the right and left nostrils. If it’s bent — that is, it makes one side of the inside of your nose smaller than the other — Dr. Johnson performs a septoplasty as part of a rhinoplasty, straightening the tissue and correcting the problem. If you have a severe deviation, or if the septum interferes with the support of the nasal tissues, she uses cartilage grafts to change your nose’s shape and improve breathing.

Broken nose

Broken noses are a common injury, often the result of car accidents or other facial traumas, and the break can be both cosmetically unappealing and a medical issue. The break often leaves the nose out of alignment, which might make you feel your face is part of a Picasso painting. It can also lead to chronic breathing problems, sinus infections, and, at times, a loss of your sense of smell. Rhinoplasty restores your nose’s normal shape (or favorably alters it if you want a change), opening blocked airways and allowing for proper drainage from the nose and sinuses.

How to prepare for your rhinoplasty

Preparing for a rhinoplasty starts with your initial consultation, where Dr. Johnson gathers data to determine if you’re a good candidate for the procedure. She starts by examining your nose and reviewing your medical history. She also takes several photos to document what your nose looks like, gives instructions to help you prepare for the surgery, and lets you know what you can expect during the procedure.

For example, you’ll get a blood test before the surgery to ensure that you’re healthy and that there won’t be any excessive bleeding or other complications. You may need to stop certain medications and supplements a week or two before to prevent complications with the anesthesia and procedure itself. You’ll have to fast for at least eight hours before the surgery, and because you’ll be groggy, you’ll need to arrange for someone to drive you home from the center.

You must also have a realistic expectation of what a rhinoplasty can and can’t do. While it can fix a wide variety of cosmetic and medical issues, rhinoplasty can’t change the basic structure of your nose. You’ll be very disappointed if you want a nose that your facial structure can’t support. In addition, if you have self-esteem issues, a rhinoplasty won’t resolve them, no matter how well done.

If you have questions about any part of the process, ask. We’re here to help. To learn more about rhinoplasty and how to prepare for one, schedule a consultation with Dr. Johnson — call/text 817 Surgical Arts at 817-290-9900, or book online with us today.