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Liposuction services offered in Fort Worth, TX

Do you have pockets of fat that bother you and don’t go away after eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise? At 817 Surgical Arts in Fort Worth, Texas, triple board-certified facial plastic and cosmetic surgeon Emily Johnson, DO offers liposuction to eliminate undesirable body fat bulges with minimal downtime. Call the office to find out if liposuction is right for you or use the online booking feature today.

Liposuction Q & A

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a fat-reduction treatment that suctions out bothersome fat cells that don’t go away after reaching an ideal body weight. The treatment uses a thin tube, called a cannula, to suction out an excess of fat cells in problem areas like your:

  • Chin
  • Neck
  • Upper arms
  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Chest
  • Back
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Ankles
  • Calves

Dr. Johnson may complete liposuction in more than one area of your body, depending on your unique needs and body contouring goals.

What are the benefits of liposuction?

Some of the benefits associated with liposuction include:

  • Smoother body contours
  • Improved symmetry
  • Self-confidence

There’s minimal downtime after you undergo liposuction, so you can get back to your routine soon afterward. Dr. Johnson may complete other cosmetic surgeries in addition to liposuction. 

How should I prepare for the liposuction procedure?

For best results, you should achieve or be close to an ideal body weight before undergoing liposuction.

To get ready for liposuction at 817 Surgical Arts, follow Dr. Johnson’s instructions. Arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure, stop taking medicines or supplements if she asks you to, and avoid foods and drinks on the morning of your scheduled procedure if needed.

What happens during liposuction?

During liposuction, you may receive general anesthesia to make you fall asleep or regional or local anesthesia, along with a sedative, to help you relax.

Dr. Johnson makes tiny incisions in your skin, inserts a cannula into the treatment area, suctions out excess fat cells, and closes the incisions. The procedure might take 1-4 hours, depending on the size and number of areas treated.

What should I expect after the procedure?

After liposuction, you may have some swelling, bruising, or tenderness. Dr. Johnson may place temporary drains in your skin to reduce fluid buildup during the healing process. You may also wear compression garments for a few weeks to minimize swelling. Get plenty of rest, take medications as directed, and avoid strenuous physical activity until it’s safe to do so.

You can expect full results within a few months. As long as you maintain an ideal body weight, liposuction is a long-lasting procedure.

To learn more about how liposuction can achieve your cosmetic goals, call or use the online booking feature today.